Welcome to Faros Spirit, I am Yanni and I specialise in remote Akashic Records readings and in sound baths. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of energy blocks or blockages, their impact on our mental, physical, and spiritual health, and how to deal with the emotional turmoil when they are released. Understanding and managing these energy blocks can significantly enhance your well-being. Let’s delve into this fascinating topic.

What is an Energy Block
An energy block refers to the accumulation of negative energies, emotions, and experiences that weigh down our energy field. The are either mental or spiritual and if they stay for a long time then they can turn into psysical too. These energetic loads can come from various sources:
- Emotional Residue: Unresolved emotions such as grief, fear, shame, and anger that linger and affect one’s mental state.
- Mental Clutter: Excessive or repetitive negative thoughts and worries that cloud intuitive judgment.
- Sensory Overload: Overexposure to external stimuli, such as chaotic or toxic environments.
- Energetic Imprints: Residual energies from past experiences or interactions that continue to affect one’s psychic field.
- Psychic Debris: The lingering effects of negative psychic experiences or unresolved spiritual matters that interfere with intuitive clarity.
- Physical Strain: Overexertion, illness, or chronic pain.
- Spiritual Blockages: Unresolved spiritual issues or negative karma.
These energetic blockages can hinder one’s ability to connect with their intuition, perceive subtle energies, but most importantly maintain emotional and mental balance.
Energy Blocks and their Impact on Mental Health
Energy blocks can severely affect our mental health:
- Anxiety and Depression: Heavy energetic loads can lead to persistent anxiety and depression.
- Mental Fatigue: Accumulated stress can cause mental exhaustion, making it hard to concentrate.
- Negative Thought Patterns: These energy loads can foster a negative mindset, leading to a cycle of pessimism.
Energy Blocks and their Impact on Physical Health
The physical body also feels the weight of any energetic loads:
- Chronic Pain: Energetic blockages can manifest as chronic pain or unexplained aches.
- Low Energy: Heavy energetic loads can drain your physical energy, leading to constant fatigue.
- Weakened Immunity: Stress and negative energy can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.
Energy Blocks and their Impact on Spiritual Health
Spiritually, energetic loads can create significant blockages:
- Disconnectedness: You may feel disconnected from your higher self or spiritual guides.
- Lack of Purpose: Heavy energetic loads can make it hard to find or follow your life purpose.
- Spiritual Confusion: These loads can cause confusion and a lack of clarity in your spiritual path.
When Energy Blocks are Released
When energetic blockages are released, the relief you experience is truly profound. Your mind becomes clearer, allowing for more positive thoughts to flow freely. Physically, you feel lighter, and your energy levels naturally rise, invigorating your entire being. Spiritually, you sense a deeper connection to your higher self and the universe, fostering a feeling of inner peace and alignment. This transformation brings a renewed sense of clarity, vitality, and connection, making you feel more balanced and in tune with yourself and the world around you.

Dealing with Emotional Turmoil During Release
Releasing energetic loads or blockages can cause emotional turmoil or make you feel unease. Here’s how to navigate this period:
- Acknowledge Your Emotions: Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge your emotions without judgment. Recognize that it’s a natural part of the healing process.
- Practice Self-Care: Engage in self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. This can include meditation, journaling or gentle exercise.
- Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from trusted friends, family, or professionals. Talking about your experiences can be incredibly healing. If you had an Akashic Record reading from me or if you came to one of my sound baths, then I am more than happy to discusshow you feel.
How Akashic Records Readings Can Help You Release Energy Loads
Akashic Records readings provide profound insights into your energetic well-being. By accessing your soul’s history, we can identify and release these energetic burdens. This process can bring:
- Clarity: By understanding the root causes of your energetic loads.
- Healing: Releasing past traumas and negative patterns.
- Guidance: Receiving guidance for your spiritual journey.
The Role of Sound Baths in Releasing Energy Blocks

Sound baths are powerful tools for clearing energetic loads. The vibrations from healing instruments can:
Release Blockages: Dissolve energetic blockages in the body.
Restore Balance: Bring harmony to your energy field.
Center Yourself: Alleviate stress and anxiety
Promote Healing: Foster deep physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Sound Bath in Bedford
I offer in-person sound baths around Bedford and also one on one sessions. These sessions use various instruments like crystal bowls, gongs, chimes, and other instruments to create healing vibrations. Sound baths are very pleasant but they are also powerful tools for holistic healing and self-discovery. These soundscapes can facilitate emotional release, spiritual awakening and inner transformation.
Summarising about Releasing Energy Blocks
Understanding and managing energetic loads is crucial for maintaining your overall well-being, as these hidden burdens can affect your mental, physical, and spiritual health in ways you might not even realize. By tapping into the wisdom of Akashic Records readings, I can guide you in identifying and releasing deep rooted energetic blockages. While with sound baths, I can help you clear stagnant energy, restore balance, and enhance your connection with your inner self. Let’s work together to lighten your energetic load and enhance your well-being.
Related blogs to Energy Blocks:
The Complete Guide to Energy Blockages: Impact on Wellness
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Heal Ancestral Karma: Clear Chakra Blockages Now
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The Ultimate Guide to Balancing Your Chakras with Sound Healing
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